
Touring a city in Spain

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The following quotes are taken from Anthology Chapters 21, 22, and 23

Quote 1- "The call for educational reform has gained the status of a recurring national event, much like the annual Boston Marathon." (Anthology, p. 197)
This doesn't surprise me because we live in an ever changing world.  We are always trying to better our world and what we can do to benefit, not only in the moment, but for our future as well.  Our country is always trying to one up other countries in the race to the top aspect, so we are always changing what we can do to benefit our education system.  I thought it was funny to compare how we are always reforming our education system, just like the Boston Marathon occurs annually.  I guess you can say that this analogy means we are reforming quote often.

Quote 2- "But unlike many past educational reform movements, the present call for educational change presents both a threat and challenge to public school teachers that appears unprecedented in our nation's history." (Anthology, p. 197)
This quote goes along with quote one in what is happening in the reforms of the present day.  We, teachers, are the most affected of the reform movements.  Teachers have to worry about various aspects of the career, such as jobs being threatened.  Also, teachers are presented with a more challenging job due to the fact that they have deal with new rules, regulations, and laws put into effect.  I don't see this career getting any easier in the near future.  This is one of the most challenging and most jobs in the world.  I didn't choose this job for the money, but rather to teach children and learn from them at the same time.  I hope that these reforms can continue, but only in a positive way, that will benefit students and teachers together.

Quote 3- "Similarly, the debate provides teachers with the opportunity to organize collectively so as to struggle to improve the conditions under which they work and to demonstrate to the public the central role that teachers must play in any viable attempt to reform the public schools." (Anthology, p. 198)
I think this is very important not only for the conditions of teachers and their unity, but also to help benefit the students and give them the best possible learning chances.  Teachers need to come together and form these groups, debates, unions, and communities to help them through the struggle of education reforms and other topics in education.  These teams allow for the collaboration of ideas in order to reflect on the position teachers are in, as well as trying to come up with solutions to benefit their careers.   I think this goes hand in hand with teacher unions and how teachers are represented in order to help them through struggles and create equal opportunities for all.


  1. Ryan,
    I liked your third quote. If a board of teachers came together and discussed education reforms, it would benefit teachers in the future. Teachers and administrators that are currently in the field know what students need and how they work best. By having teachers collaborate ideas would help school systems be more consistent in curriculum throughout districts.

  2. Allison,
    Like always, I am glad you agree! Do most school systems have these boards of teachers? I wonder what those schools that don't do in order to help collaborate their ideas and efforts in order to help benefit their students as well as their own jobs. I would hope that all schools have these groups in order to spread ideas across the grades and get ideas from others. It should not only school grouped, but maybe district grouped in order to spread ideas and get others feedback!

  3. Ryan,
    I am not sure if all schools have board made up of teachers. In class we talked about boards being made up of CEOs. The boards made up of CEO's are only focusing on testing and and being the best. If the schools were made up of teachers then more collaboration and ideas would create a better curriculum instead of focusing on only testing.
