
Touring a city in Spain

Monday, September 13, 2010

Jonathan Kozol-Shame of the Nation Ch.3 and 4

Quote 6
"Starting in kindergarten, children in the school were being asked to think about the jobs that they might choose when they grew up.  The posters that surrounded them made clear which kinds of jobs they were expected to select." (Kozol p. 89)

This quote makes me very angry.  Not only are students at this age asked to think about jobs, but there are posters that these children are supposed to "expect to select?"  How is a child at this age supposed to select what they want to be when they grow up.  I am all for children having hopes and dreams, but I don't think high school aged students should have to decide what they want to do before they get to college.  These children are allowed to dream big and shouldn't be forced to choose from a picture of a professional on a poster.  We can give children ideas and different options, but shouldn't force them to choose.  These children can become whatever they want.  Most of them will look to a friend to join them in their future profession, or to a family member they really like.  We shouldn't pound the idea of a profession into a child's' mind that may have no clue how to read yet.


  1. Ryan,
    I totally agree with you on this. I do not think its right for teachers to start pressuring young children to figure out what kind of professional job they want. Its like I said in my own blog "kids need to be kids". Children have their whole life to experience and try different things. Today,there are people who graduate high shcool who attend college with a major that is undeclared. I do no think this is a bad thing, it helps them to figure out what job will best suit them. Pressuring young children will only create stress and a negative engery.

  2. You said it so well..."Kids NEED to be kids!!!!" It's not fair to stuff their minds with things they may want to do then, later to find that they want something totally different. Open their minds to the wildest dreams!

  3. I think as future Elementary Ed teachers, we both agree on this topic! Kids don't need that kind of pressure lives. School is suppposed to be a safe and fun place for children to learn and have fun, not for them to pick their careers!
