
Touring a city in Spain

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Jonathan Kozol-The Shame of the Nation Pages 1-108

Quote 3
"They don't have any friends who are white children.  When I take them with me sometimes to Manhattan to go shopping at a store for something special that they want or to a movie maybe on one of their birthdays, and they find themselves surrounded by a lot of white kids, many of the younger ones get very scared.  It's an utterly different world for them.  In racial terms, they're almost totally cut off." (Kozol p. 16-17)

I only have one simple word for this quote, sad!  I read this thinking that in 1994, much of our country and schools were diverse.  Little did I know!  I guess it was different growing up in a suburban town in Connecticut, compared to that of New York City.  I would have never thought that a child of color would have found the sight of a person of color scary during that time.  This just goes to show that economic status and location play a huge role in what your education could be like.  I feel we as teachers need to introduce our students to the world around us.  By connecting with classrooms around the world or looking into diversity throughout the schools.  Children need to be introduced to different cultures at an early age for them to gain an understanding of how other people/families live their lives compared to their own.  Not only will this show children how people differ throughout the world, but also it will help the child gain a better understanding of their own life.

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