
Touring a city in Spain

Monday, September 13, 2010

Jonathan Kozol-Shame of the Nation Ch.3 and 4

Quote 7
"Incentivized (this is another term one hears in many inner-city schools) by getting reimbursements for the acquisition of a skill in terms of simulated cash." (Kozol p.96)

Incentivized can be defined as giving incentives or more simply, a reward.  This bothered me that children were "incentivized" for completing a certain educational task.  An example of this was that students were provided earnings charts to calculate how much they will be paid for learning to write a sentence.  So does this mean as these students progress through their educational career they will expect a reward for everything they do well?  We cannot start giving these children, at such a young age, a reward for completing a task they should be completing at grade level.  I understand if these children receive a sticker or a little present for doing superb job on an assignment or contributing positively to the classroom.  By doing this, it will only hurt the careers of these young children.

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